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§180.5 化学农药在食品中的零容许残留量(Zero tolerances)

   日期:2011-04-06     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:186    

  § 180.5   Zero tolerances.

      A zero tolerance means that no amount of the pesticide chemical may remain on the raw agricultural commodity when it is offered for shipment. A zero tolerance for a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural commodity may be established because, among other reasons:

  (a) A safe level of the pesticide chemical in the diet of two different species of warm-blooded animals has not been reliably determined.

  (b) The chemical is carcinogenic to or has other alarming physiological effects upon one or more of the species of the test animals used, when fed in the diet of such animals.

  (c) The pesticide chemical is toxic, but is normally used at times when, or in such manner that, fruit, vegetables, or other raw agricultural commodities will not bear or contain it.

  (d) All residue of the pesticide chemical is normally removed through good agricultural practice such as washing or brushing or through weathering or other changes in the chemical itself, prior to introduction of the raw agricultural commodity into interstate commerce.




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