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§70.40 使用着色剂应当考虑的安全系数(Safety factors to be considered)

   日期:2011-04-16     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:935    

  § 70.40   Safety factors to be considered.

  In accordance with section 721(b)(5)(A)(iii) of the act, the following safety factor will be applied in determining whether the proposed use of a color additive will be safe: Except where evidence is submitted which justifies use of a different safety factor, a safety factor of 100 to 1 will be used in applying animal experimentation data to man; that is, a color additive for use by man will not be granted a tolerance that will exceed 1/100th of the maximum no-effect level for the most susceptible experimental animals tested. The various species of experimental animals used in the tests shall conform to good pharmacological practice.




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