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§172.884 食品添加剂无臭石油醚碳氢化合物(Odorless light petroleum hydrocarbons)

   日期:2011-05-03     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:389    

  § 172.884   Odorless light petroleum hydrocarbons.

  Odorless light petroleum hydrocarbons may be safely used in food, in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

  (a) The additive is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons derived from petroleum or synthesized from petroleum gases. The additive is chiefly paraffinic, isoparaffinic, or naphthenic in nature.

  (b) The additive meets the following specifications:

  (1) Odor is faint and not kerosenic.

  (2) Initial boiling point is 300 °F minimum.

  (3) Final boiling point is 650 °F maximum.

  (4) Ultraviolet absorbance limits determined by method specified in §178.3620(b)(1)(ii) of this chapter, as follows:

Wavelength mµ Maximum absorbance per centimeter optical pathlength
280–289 4.0
290–299 3.3
300–329 2.3
330–360 0.8

  (c) The additive is used as follows:
Use Limitations
As a coating on shell eggs In an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
As a defoamer in processing beet sugar and yeast Complying with §173.340 of this chapter.
As a float on fermentation fluids in the manufacture of vinegar and wine to prevent or retard access of air, evaporation, and wild yeast contamination during fermentation In an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
In the froth-flotation cleaning of vegetables In an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
As a component of insecticide formulations used in compliance with regulations issued in parts 170 through 189 of this chapter In an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.

  更多关于美国 FDA 已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第172部分已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类汇总




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