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§173.55 食品添加剂聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Polyvinylpyrrolidone)

   日期:2011-07-11     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:855    

  § 173.55   Polyvinylpyrrolidone.

  The food additive polyvinylpyrroli-done may be safely used in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

  (a) The additive is a polymer of purified vinylpyrrolidone catalytically produced, having an average molecular weight of 40,000 and a maximum unsaturation of 1 percent, calculated as the monomer, except that the polyvinylpyrrolidone used in beer is that having an average molecular weight of 360,000 and a maximum unsaturation of 1 percent, calculated as the monomer.

  (b) The additive is used or intended for use in foods as follows:

Food Limitations
Beer As a clarifying agent, at a residual level not to exceed 10 parts per million.
Flavor concentrates in tablet form As a tableting adjuvent in an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
Nonnutritive sweeteners in concentrated liquid form As a stabilizer, bodying agent, and dispersant, in an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
Nonnutritive sweeteners in tablet form As a tableting adjuvant in an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
Vitamin and mineral concentrates in liquid form As a stabilizer, bodying agent, and dispersant, in an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
Vitamin and mineral concentrates in tablet form As a tableting adjuvant in an amount not to exceed good manufacturing practice.
Vinegar As a clarifying agent, at a residual level not to exceed 40 parts per million.
Wine As a clarifying agent, at a residual level not to exceed 60 parts per million.

  更多关于美国 FDA 可直接加入食品中的辅助性食品添加剂的种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第173部分可直接加入食品中的辅助性食品添加剂种类汇总




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