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§1052. 州和地方规章(State or local regulation)

   日期:2011-08-08     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:935    


  §1052.  State or local regulation

  (a) Prohibition against additional or different requirements than Federal requirements relating to premises, facilities, and operations at official plants; authority to impose recordkeeping and related requirements consistent with Federal requirements.

  Requirements within the scope of this chapter with respect to premises, facilities, and operations of any official plant which are in addition to or different than those made under this chapter may not be imposed by any State or local jurisdiction except that any such jurisdiction may impose recordkeeping and other requirements within the scope of section 1040 of this title, if consistent therewith, with respect to any such plant.

  (b) Prohibition against additional or different standards than Federal standards of quality, etc., or requiring labeling to show area of production or origin; authority to require name, address, and license number of processor or packer on containers; prohibition against additional or different requirements than Federal requirements relating to labeling, packaging or ingredients; authority to prevent distribution of violative articles; validity of nonconflicting laws.

  For eggs which have moved or are moving in interstate or foreign commerce,

  (1) no State or local jurisdiction may require the use of standards of quality, condition, weight, quantity, or grade which are in addition to or different from the official Federal standards,

  (2) with respect to egg handlers specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1034(e) of this title, no State or local jurisdiction may impose temperature requirements pertaining to eggs packaged for the ultimate consumer which are in addition to, or different from, Federal requirements, and

  (3) no State or local jurisdiction other than those in noncontiguous areas of the United States may require labeling to show the State or other geographical area of production or origin: Provided, however, That this shall not preclude a State from requiring that the name, address, and license number of the person processing or packaging eggs, be shown on each container. Labeling, packaging, or ingredient requirements, in addition to or different than those made under this chapter, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.] and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act [15 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.], may not be imposed by any State or local jurisdiction, with respect to egg products processed at any official plant in accordance with the requirements under this chapter and such Acts. However, any State or local jurisdiction may exercise jurisdiction with respect to eggs and egg products for the purpose of preventing the distribution for human food purposes of any such articles which are outside of such a plant and are in violation of any of said Federal Acts or any State or local law consistent therewith. Otherwise the provisions of this chapter shall not invalidate any law or other provisions of any State or other jurisdiction in the absence of a conflict with this chapter.

  (c) Applicability of other Federal laws and authority of other Federal officials relating to eggs, egg products, or other food products unaffected; authority of Secretary of Agriculture to regulate official plants processing egg products.

  The provisions of this chapter shall not affect the applicability of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.] or the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act [15 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.] or other Federal laws to eggs, egg products, or other food products or diminish any authority conferred on the Secretary of Health and Human Services or other Federal officials by such other laws, except that the Secretary of Agriculture shall have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate official plants processing egg products and operations thereof as to all matters within the scope of this chapter.

  (d) Detainer authority.

  The detainer authority conferred on representatives of the Secretary of Agriculture by section 1048 of this title shall also apply to any authorized representative of the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the purposes of section 1034(d) of this title, with respect to any eggs or egg products that are outside any plant processing egg products.




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