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   日期:2011-08-16     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:640    

  Corrigendum to Directive 2006/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 amending Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners and Directive 94/35/EC on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs

  (Official Journal of the European union L 204 of 26 July 2006)

  On page 14, in Annex I, point (3)(b) (amendments to Annex III Part B of Directive 95/2/EC), third indent:"Salsicha fresca" shall be printed in italics.

  (a) Traditional immersion cured meat products (1)

  The entry for the maximum residual level of "175 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Wiltshire bacon (1.1);"

  (b) Cured tongue (1.3)

  For Cured tongue a maximum residual level of "50 mg/kg" shall be inserted;

  (c) Traditional dry cured meat products (2)

  The entry for the maximum residual level of "175 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Dry cured bacon (2.1);".

  On pages 16 and 17 in the column headings in Annex I, point (3)(c) (amendments to Annex III Part C of Directive 95/2/EC), "Maximum amount that may be added during manufacture" and "Maximum residual level":


  "(expressed as NaNO2)",


  "(expressed as NaNO3)".

  (a) Traditional dry cured meat products (2)

  The maximum residual level of "250 mg/kg" shall be aligned with "Dry cured bacon and Dry cured ham (2.1);"

  (b) Other traditionally cured meat products (3)

  The maximum amount of "300 mg/kg (without added E 249 or E 250)" shall be aligned with "Rohwürste (Salami and Kantwurst) (3.3);".

  On page 18, in Annex I, point (3)(d) (amendments to Annex III Part D of Directive 95/2/EC), table under (ii):The text in the table shall be printed in normal font, not italics.

  On page 19, in Annex I, point (4)(a) (amendments to Annex IV of Directive 95/2/EC):In the list under "E 385", the words "Libamáj, egészben és tömbben" shall be printed in italics.

  On page 19 and 20, in Annex I, points (4)(c), (i) and (j) (amendments to Annex IV of Directive 95/2/EC):The text in the tables under points (4)(c), (i) and (j) shall be printed in Roman font, not italics.




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