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§1210.22 向美国进口的牛奶和奶油制品的标签形式(Form of tag)

   日期:2011-08-31     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:385    

      更多关于联邦进口牛奶法案的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第1210部分关于联邦进口牛奶法案的法规汇总

  § 1210.22   Form of tag.

  Each container of milk or cream shipped or transported into the United States by such permittee shall have firmly attached thereto a tag in the following form, bearing the required information in clear and legible type:

  Product(State whether raw milk, pasteurized milk, raw cream, or pasteurized cream.)Permit number Federal Import Milk Act, Department of Health and Human Services.Shipper Address of shipper

  Provided, That in case of unit shipments consisting of milk only or cream only under one permit number, in lieu of each container being so marked, the vehicle of transportation, if sealed, may be tagged with the above tag, which should, in addition, show the number of containers and quantity of contents of each.




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