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§178.3930 萜烯树脂(Terpene resins)

   日期:2011-12-22     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:720    

    §178.3930 Terpene resins

      The terpene resins identified in paragraph (a) of this section may be safely used as components of polypropylene film intended for use in contact with food, and the terpene resins identified in paragraph (b) of this section may be safely used as components of polyolefin film intended for use in contact with food;

  (a) Terpene resins consisting of the hydrogenated polymers of terpene hydrocarbons obtainable from sulfate turpentine and meeting the following specifications: Drop-softening point of 118°-138 °C; iodine value less than 20.

  (b) Terpene resins consisting of polymers of beta-pinene and meeting the following specifications: Acid value less than 1; saponification number less than 1; color less than 4 on the Gardner scale as measured in 50 percent mineral spirits solution.




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