排名推广 热搜: 食品  保健酒  北京  机械  白酒 

服务时间 9:00-18:00 (工作日)

§ 178.3700 矿脂(Petrolatum)

   日期:2013-01-22     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:488    

Petrolatum may be safety used as a component of nonfood articles in contact with food, in accordance with the following conditions:

(a) Petrolatum complies with the specifications set forth in the United States Pharmacopeia XX (1980) for white petrolatum or in the National Formulary XV (1980) for yellow petrolatum.

(b) Petrolatum meets the following ultraviolet absorbance limits when subjected to the analytical procedure described in § 172.886(b) of this chapter:

Ultraviolet absorbance per centimeter pathlength:

Millimicrons Maximum
280 to 289 0.25
290 to 299 .20
300 to 359 .14
360 to 400 .04

(c) It is used or intended for use as a protective coating of the surfaces of metal or wood tanks used in fermentation process, in an amount not in excess of that required to produce its intended effect.

(d) Petrolatum as defined by this section may be used for the functions described and within the limitations prescribed by specific regulations in parts 175, 176, 177, and 178 of this chapter which prescribe uses of petrolatum. For the purpose of cross-reference, such specific regulations include: §§ 175.105, 175.125, 175.300, 176.170, 176.200, 176.210, 177.2600, 177.2800, and 178.3570 of this chapter.

(e) Petrolatum may contain any antioxidant permitted in food by regulations issued pursuant to section 409 of the act, in an amount not greater than that required to produce its intended effect.




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