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   日期:2010-08-03     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:308    

    食品伙伴网报道,根据美国科技协会网站消息:蘑菇在众多食品中向来被认为对保持免疫系统的健康起着重要作用,由美国农业部(USDA)农业研究局(ARS)所资助的一项动物模型和细胞培养的研究显示,白色双孢菇使免疫系统中的关键细胞活性增强。该研究结果发表在营养学杂志(Journal of Nutrition)上。

    在美国,双孢菇占蘑菇消费总量的90%。这项研究由美国农业部老年营养中心(HNRCA)在塔夫茨大学的研究中心Simin Meydani主任、吴大勇,以及其他同事共同参与的。结果表明,白蘑菇可以促进抗病毒物质的产生以及其他一些由细胞释放可保护和修复组织的蛋白的生产,从而可以提高免疫功能。


    食品伙伴网编者注:双孢蘑菇(white mushroom)因其担子上通常仅着生2个担孢子而得名,在分类上隶属真菌门,担子菌纲,无隔担子菌亚纲,伞菌目,蘑菇科(黑伞科)(Agaricaceae)蘑菇属学名为 Agaricus bisporus(Lange)Imbach 别号蘑菇、洋磨菇、白蘑菇、磨菇蕈(《广菌谱》),肉蕈(《纲目》)等.欧美列国生产经营者常称之为普通栽培蘑菇(Common cultivated mushroom) 或纽扣蘑菇(Button mushroom),日本人称之为マシュルム或西洋松茸 




Researchers study benefits of white button mushrooms

Mushrooms are among the many foods thought to play an important role in keeping the immune system healthy.
August 2, 2010

Mushrooms are among the many foods thought to play an important role in keeping the immune system healthy. Now, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-funded scientists have conducted an animal-model and cell-culture study showing that white button mushrooms enhanced the activity of critical cells in the body’s immune system. In the United States, white button mushrooms represent 90% of the total mushrooms consumed.

The study was conducted at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University by Center Director Simin Meydani, colleague Dayong Wu, and others. The results suggest that white button mushrooms may promote immune function by increasing production of antiviral and other proteins that are released by cells while seeking to protect and repair tissue.

The study’s cell-culture phase showed that white button mushrooms enhanced the maturity of immune system cells called “dendritic cells,” from bone marrow. Dendritic cells can make T cells-important white blood cells that can recognize and eventually deactivate or destroy antigens on invading microbes.

When immune system cells are exposed to disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, the body begins to increase the number and function of immune system cells, according to Meydani. People need an adequate supply of nutrients to produce an adequate defense against the pathogen. The key is to prevent deficiencies that can compromise the immune system.



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