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   日期:2012-10-18     来源:中国食品网    作者:中食网    浏览:189    

    食品伙伴网讯  据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,10月17日欧盟食品安全局就审查吡蚜酮(Pymetrozine)的最大残留限量发布了意见,提议修订吡蚜酮在榛子、核桃、杏子等多种商品中的残留限量。


    Pymetrozine was included in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC on 01 November 2001, which is before the entry into force of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on 02 September 2008. EFSA is therefore required to provide a reasoned opinion on the review of the existing MRLs for that active substance in compliance with Article 12(2) of afore mentioned regulation. In order to collect the relevant pesticide residues data, EFSA asked Germany, as the designated rapporteur Member State (RMS), to complete the Pesticide Residues Overview File (PROFile). The requested information was submitted to EFSA on 19 December 2008 and, after having considered several comments made by EFSA, the RMS provided on 05 November 2009 a revised PROFile.

    Based on the conclusions derived in the framework of Directive 91/414/EEC under the supervision of the European Commission and the additional information provided by the RMS, EFSA issued on 23 January 2012 a draft reasoned opinion that was circulated to Member State experts for consultation. Comments received by 30 March 2012 were discussed in a meeting of experts, which took place on 15 June 2012, and the outcome of that meeting was considered for finalisation of this reasoned opinion. The following conclusions are derived.




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